The backbone of the team. They are responsible for overall management and organization of the project. The key changes as well as as the most crucial developments in the team are decided by them, to ensure that the project is feasible, rules-compliant and kept within the budgets.

Yannik Laufer
Technischer Leiter Elektrik

Marlon Denk
Team Manager

Luca Reichenfelser
Technischer Leiter Mechanik
The aerodynamics team develops the undertray, the adjustable front and rear wings and the side wings. The aim is to guide the air around the components in the best possible way. With narrow circuits and a maximum speed of 120 km/h, their main focus lies on maximizing downforce.

Mathew Mashkov
Aerodynamik Leiter

Aykhan Yunus
Sidewing & Towerwing

Thordis Perdelwitz

Kaloyan Zhelyazkov

Sina Leser
Design & Manufacturing Support

Alejandro Garcia
CFD & Design

Jaime Ferres
CFD & Design

Max Samset
CFD & Design

Daniel Cascarano
CFD & Design

Alberto Marturano
Cooling System

Jiayin Li
Autonomes System
Unser Team für das autonome System ersetzt den Rennfahrer durch den Einsatz von Sensoren, Algorithmen und elektrischer Steuerung.
The chassis team develops and produces a carbon monocoque. There are many requirements from safety, ergonomics, aerodynamics, and other teams to consider. A lot of attention is also paid towards the drivers. Their needs for comfort are best met by adjusting the racing seat, seating position, pedals and shift paddles.

Tim Koppendorfer
Das Elektronik Team ist verantwortlich für das Low Voltage System. Die Electronic Control Unit (ECU) zeichnet Sensordaten auf, die in Real-Time als Telemetriedaten an den PC per WiFi und LTE übermittelt werden. Parallel arbeit im ECU das Vehicle Dynamic Control System, welches Funktionen wie einer Slip Control für maximale Traktion and Torque Vectoring für optimales Handling in engen Kurven ausführt.
Elektrischer Antriebsstrang
Das E-Powertrain Team kümmert sich um das gesamte elektrische Antriebssystem. Unser Lithium-Ionen Akku aus Eigenentwicklung stellt die benötigte Energie bereit. Die ebenfalls selbst entwickelten Inverter mit SiC-Mosfets stellen den Motorstrom für die 4 Radnabenmotoren. Dadurch können alle vier Räder individuell angetrieben werden, was uns die Benutzung eines Systems wie beispielsweise des Torque Vectorings für optimale Traktion ermöglicht.

Shihe Cui
E-Powertrain Leiter
Management & Communications
The Management & Communications team is responsible for most of the organizational aspects of the car as well as the Business Plan event. Our key tasks include teamwear design and distribution, marketing and website management, overall team logistics and organizing events. Additionally, we manage communication between the team and sponsors.

Marlon Denk
Head of Management & Communications

Mattia Cuccu
Business Plan
The Suspension team aims to position and move the tires within their optimal operating range. A key factor of this is defining the vehicle’s overall kinematics, which determines the possible movements and force distribution throughout the car. Furthermore there is a strong focus on the wheel package itself, specifically on developing a lightweight highly integrated system that houses an e-machine and a gearbox in each wheel.

Alexander Müller
The Vehicle Dynamics team is optimizing car and driver performance by means of simulation and data analysis. This involves designing the suspension kinematics as well as finding the ideal car setups for varying track conditions. Their responsibilities also include developing the car’s control systems, such as Traction Control and Torque Vectoring.

Bene Schweers
Structures and Materials
The Structures and Materials team designs lightweight components for optimal performance, reliability, and durability. We conduct material testing and structural simulations, including NVH, multibody, and composite analyses, to refine parts for efficient manufacturing and use.

Igor Gajewski
Head of Structures & Materials
Cost & Manufacturing
The Cost & Manufacturing Team is responsible for creating the Bill of Material and calculating the costs and carbon emission equivalent with our selfdeveloped calculation models. In addition we throughly analyse the whole manufacturing process of our racecar focusing on a wide range of management and production topics.

Lisa Tran
Head of Cost & Manufacturing

Milena Pospischil
Costing Aerodynamics